CR - 411

Curious about what CR and Step Studies are all about? Check out these fantastic mini-testimonies (click here)! Also, please see the bottom of this page for descriptions.

Supercool stuff to look forward to:
  • Heavy Metal Monday - The first Monday of every months we give out the metal chips for years of sobriety. Invite a friend and join the celebration!

Core Guidelines that Make CR Safe and Healing for Everyone:
  • No gossip or rumors (notice we left off the please). Those things destroy relationships. That ruins CR! And that prevents recovery! If someone wants to talk to you about someone who isn’t present, just respectfully say that you’d rather wait to talk about “Dan” until “Dan” is present.
  • Anonymity! - Everything you see or hear at CR stays at CR. You can, and probably will be asked not to come back if you violate this foundational code.
  • No entanglements - Keep CR a safe space for your recovery. You’re not looking for your next romantic or business partner here.
  • Be friendly but not weird! Only hug the people who want to be hugged. Don’t hug the people who don’t want to be hugged!

  • Open share groups and their locations - there is a map in the back of the room
    • Newcomers - down front
    • Men's Chemical/Food - conference room
    • Men's Life Issues/Codependency - The Commons
    • Men's Sexual Purity Leader - Main Auditorium Lounge
    • Women's Chemical/Food - Theater Mezzanine
    • Women's Codependency - Venue North (in the back of our main meeting space)
    • Women's Mixed Life Issues - Venue South (in the back of our main meeting space)
    • Women's Purity/Abuse - Venue Front Room  

How Can You Help More People for Health, Healing, and Jesus at CR?

Invite someone you care about who could benefit from what happens here! High functioning friends too! We’ve all got hurts, hangups, and habits! They will never show up unless you invite them, probably three or four times. And, if there is anything we can do, or stop doing, so you can be 100% comfortable inviting anyone and everyone you know, please let us know!

Please give! It’s a great way to give back to what is giving you so much. It’s a great way to make sure the next person who needs what you’re getting can find it here! And it’s a great way to surrender control to Jesus!
  • Put cash or check in the black offering box that sits at the beginning of the food table or on the info table. This money is credited directly to CR.
  • Donate online to The Crossing (click here) and put CR or Celebrate Recovery in the comment section. This money goes into the general fund that supports everything the church does, including CR. And that’s great!

We are striving to provide a safe and distraction free adult recovery environment. We’re thrilled to provide care up to fifth grade.

What is CR?
All of us have picked up hurts as we navigate life. Those hurts can be resentments, brutal violations of trust, awful blows to our self-image and self-esteem, physical damage, painfully broken relationships, truly difficult life circumstances that we struggle to wrestle through and recover from, or just the drip, drip, drip of living in a broken world. Those hurts turn into hangups, anchors of negativity and distraction that we just can’t get away from. And those hangups generate habits that really mess with our quality of life and the lives of the people around us. Habits like chemical addiction, pornography, codependency, rescuing other people, control, safety and affirmation seeking, desperation, numbing, and isolation.

In CR, we think of those hurts, hangups, and habits as chains that keep us from enjoying the freedom, peace, and joy God has for us. And it turns out that we can’t break those chains by ourselves. God built us to depend on Him and, in a healthy way, other people.

CR is a safe place for us to find healing in a community of people who listen well, without interrupting, judging, or fixing.  People who love us even after they find out who we really are - because they find out who we really are. CR is a place of safety, honesty, and belonging.

Celebrate Recovery is based on the time proven principles and steps of AA but established firmly on a biblical foundation that identifies Jesus Christ as our source of healing.

CR is a place for us to find new healthy truths and life-giving habits, together, as we repair our broken relationships and find sustainable recovery. Join more than 7 million hurting people across the globe, only about 40% of whom wrestle with chemical addiction, who now walk in freedom through the power of Jesus Christ.

What are Step Studies?
In your step study you will work through four Participant's Guides, based on CR's eight principles, that lead you through CR's twelve steps of recovery. Groups meet weekly for about 9 months under the gentle and loving guidance of a trained leader and co-leader to let Christ help them reveal and deal with issues in their lives that have become heavy baggage.

Step studies do not take the place of Monday CR or open share groups meetings, but they are our ultimate recovery tool and environment. Everyone you hear teach or give a testimony from stage and everyone who leads an open share group here has graduated from a step study. They will, to a person, tell you that it was life changing and deep community building in the best possible way. Take that step! We are forming step studies now! Please register by following the link in the CR 411.