Global Partners
Agape International Missions (AIM) focuses on combating human trafficking, restoring victims, and transforming communities. After years of ministry growth, AIM has expanded to multiple Rahab’s House community centers, a Lord’s Gym that reaches pimps and traffickers, AIM Employment Center (AEC) that gives young women a career in textiles, and a network of Cambodian Churches that are now educated about the issue they didn’t even see back when AIM first started rescuing children.
Chenaniah and Laura are missionaries working with YWAM based in Perth, Australia. A majority of their time is spent in different developing nations throughout Africa and Asia. Chenaniah leads outreach teams that focus on using worship and music as an outlet to reach people and share the gospel with them. Laura works primarily as a volunteer midwife in busy government hospitals and rural village clinics. They are currently in South Africa running a music program that teaches local children from the slums how to play instruments and sing. After this, they will head to India to work with a team of student midwives.
City of Refuge works to provide holistic aftercare for children liberated from abuse, exploitation, and human trafficking. CORM is involved in a variety of capacities in their efforts to combat injustice. Their efforts are directed toward prevention, intervention, restoration, and education. Troy and Jammie Tompkins along with their five wonderful children live in Doryumu, Ghana and serve with Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC) to support both City of Refuge. Troy is a Family Physician and Jammie is a Nurse Practitioner and they serve as the medical directors at City of Refuge. They are very active within the surrounding villages leveraging health care to advance the reach and impact of CORM.
Mid India has been impacting India since 1969 in an effort to proclaim Christ. They focus on evangelism, education, and empowerment. To date, they have planted over 450 churches, baptized over 17,000, trained over 10,000, and educated thousands. They have a number of educational opportunities, medical facilities, an internet outreach, homes for rescued children, and care for children with special needs.
Hope for Youth is a ministry focused on teenage boys in the prison system in Peru. Led out by Iliana Bustios, Hope for Youth spends time working with the boys during their time in prison as well as once they are released. Iliana uses Bible study, games, and education to forge deep relationships with the boys. This has led to baptisms within the walls of the prison as well as lasting life change on the outside.
Dominican Republic: Hope House International -It is the vision of Hope House to provide a long-term, loving home for children who have been abandoned, neglected and abused. Hope House is designed to invest in the child’s future, not just by providing a meal or a place to sleep, but also through education, psychological therapies, and extracurricular activities – all the while placing them in a safe environment – giving them the opportunity to experience love and acceptance within a family unit.The Braisted family followed a calling placed on their lives to begin caring for these very children when they started Hope House in 2014. Since then they have opened one casita to care for girls with the room to grow and expand their reach in the years to come.
The Mustard Seed Network is a network of gospel-centered churches in urban Japan. Since 2007, the network has planted 4 churches (Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto) and had over 110 baptisms in a country that is less than 1% Christian. Their aim is to continuing launching churches in urban centers across Japan. Seth & Megan Philip have been a part of Mustard Seed since 2010. They have been a part of growing and launching a couple of the Mustard Seed churches. In 2017 they stepped out to launch the Kyoto church. Seth is the Lead Pastor at the Kyoto church.
The Molesky family is working in Northern Ireland as a part of church planting initiative. Their aim is to assist in the launch of new churches, develop leaders, spark movements of prayer, and be a catalyst for advancing the Gospel across Europe and beyond. Their heart and vision is to bring about revival which will have a global impact.
Russ and Sydney Bridges work in South East Asia with Pioneers to mobilize teams that initiate church planting movements among unreached people groups in partnership with local churches throughout the region. They function as area leaders over 10 teams across 2 countries in South East Asia.
Homes of Hope is a ministry of YWAM San Diego/Baja. Their emphasis is on transforming the lives of people within their local community through providing a new home. Offering a family a new home has the power to advance them 7-10 years economically, help in creating a safe place for their children, and establish a beacon of hope within the community.The Crossing has partnered with YWAM and HOH to build over 50 homes. Through the process of building homes we have built a relationship with Alfonso & Claudia Sanchez. The Crossing has been supporting Fonzy’s work as a builder in the Homes of Hope program for over 5 years.
Proem Ministries started in 1990 with a heart to proclaim the Gospel across Poland. They have now planted 3 growing churches and aim for more. They serve youth and families through camps, Christian education, church planting and community serving initiatives to help those in need. Their approach is to spend time serving a community, building a relationship, earning the right to speak into it, and they planting a local church for that city.
Posted in PARTNERS